[Gpg4win-devel] Multilanguage Compendium

Fòram na Gàidhlig fios at foramnagaidhlig.net
Fri Jun 3 08:51:18 CEST 2016

Sgrìobh Jochen Saalfeld na leanas 03/06/2016 aig 05:28:
>> From a translator's point of view, having a visual editor and
>> translation memory support is a huge advantage
> Thank you for giving us insight from the translators view! We will definetly 
> take a look at Pootle and other Platforms like Weblate [1]. Opinions like 
> yours drive our thought and help us bring you a adequate platform and 
> workflow.

I am not familar with weblate - here are a few points that any
translation platform should satisfy though:

- The interface should be easy to navigate for the technologically
challenged. Computers are scary.
- Translation memory with fuzzy matches
- Some automated checks - e.g. are all place holders there?
- There should be a difference between translator and reviewer status
for big languages. Small languages should not be required to review
- A glossary function will be helpful
- It should be possible for translators do download and translate
offline, so they can take advantage of their own translation memories
- What I like about Pootle is that you can define buttons to insert
characters that you can't type (for my language, this is the Tironian
Ampersand character, which no keyboard has, and you could also have
curly quotes there)
- Another platform that I work with a lot is Transifex, but you might
not be happy with it being non-free, although they don't charge FLOSS
projects for their services
- If the platform offers social login, consider activating it. I am not
a fan of social media myself, but many people are on there - it might
get you a few more translators

From the programming / string design side, you should take care of the
following / avoid common pitfalls:

- Split the translation into multiple files, so collaboration for big
teams and prioritization for small teams gets easier
- Never, ever hard code word order. Always have full sentences.
- Every number placeholder has to be in plural form format, this
includes "oh, but this is only big numbers over 20..."
- Add comments to strings where the context isn't clear. E.g. is "Open"
a noun, a verb or an adjective?
- For long paragraphs in documentation, have a look if you can split
them up in case you need to fix something later, to keep retranslation
to a minimum.
- Make sure that the user will have a language selection menu. Users
don't even know what a system locale is, let alone how to change it.
Users also don't know what preferred browser languages are.

Once you get the platform up, it should be good to have both software
and website/documentation translations on there. This way, everything
will be easy to find, and the less techy translators won't even need to
know that git commands exist.

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