[Gpg4win-users-de] Unter Emacs: Password-Eingabe-Dialog beim Speichern

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Di Apr 15 12:39:49 CEST 2014

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:44, felix.klee at inka.de said:

> Wie kann ich erreichen, dass das Abspeichern automatisch mit dem
> vorherigen Passwort geschieht, d.h. ohne Abfrage?

Geht bei mir immer (z.B. in org-mode mit crypt tag).  Allerdings habe
ich noch nie Emacs unter Windows benutzt.  Wird dort auch EasyPG
benutzt?  Ich habe damit und zumindest GnuPG 2.1 Schwierigkeiten bei
Signieren und Verschlüsseln.  Als einfache Abhilfe benutze ich den Fix
unten.  Wir aber kaum Dein Problem sein.

Am besten mal eine log-file für gpg-agent einschalten und die Option
"debug 1024" benutzen.  Dann solle man genauer sehen was abläuft.



;;; Temporary for gpg2.1

(defun epg-start-sign (context plain &optional mode)
  "Initiate a sign operation on PLAIN.
PLAIN is a data object.

If optional 3rd argument MODE is t or 'detached, it makes a detached signature.
If it is nil or 'normal, it makes a normal signature.
Otherwise, it makes a cleartext signature.

If you use this function, you will need to wait for the completion of
`epg-gpg-program' by using `epg-wait-for-completion' and call
`epg-reset' to clear a temporaly output file.
If you are unsure, use synchronous version of this function
`epg-sign-file' or `epg-sign-string' instead."
  (epg-context-set-operation context 'sign)
  (epg-context-set-result context nil)
  (unless (memq mode '(t detached nil normal)) ;i.e. cleartext
    (epg-context-set-armor context nil)
    (epg-context-set-textmode context nil))
  (epg--start context
	     (append (list (if (memq mode '(t detached))
			     (if (memq mode '(nil normal))
		     (apply #'nconc
			     (lambda (signer)
			       (list "-u"
				      (car (epg-key-sub-key-list signer)))))
			     (epg-context-signers context)))
		      (epg-context-sig-notations context))
		     (if (epg-data-file plain)
			 (list "--" (epg-data-file plain)))))
  (when (epg-data-string plain)
    (if (eq (process-status (epg-context-process context)) 'run)
	(process-send-string (epg-context-process context)
			     (epg-data-string plain)))
    (if (eq (process-status (epg-context-process context)) 'run)
	(process-send-eof (epg-context-process context)))))

(defun epg-start-encrypt (context plain recipients
				  &optional sign always-trust)
  "Initiate an encrypt operation on PLAIN.
PLAIN is a data object.
If RECIPIENTS is nil, it performs symmetric encryption.

If you use this function, you will need to wait for the completion of
`epg-gpg-program' by using `epg-wait-for-completion' and call
`epg-reset' to clear a temporaly output file.
If you are unsure, use synchronous version of this function
`epg-encrypt-file' or `epg-encrypt-string' instead."
  (epg-context-set-operation context 'encrypt)
  (epg-context-set-result context nil)
  (epg--start context
	     (append (if always-trust '("--always-trust"))
		     (if recipients '("--encrypt") '("--symmetric"))
		     (if sign '("--sign"))
		     (if sign
			 (apply #'nconc
				 (lambda (signer)
				   (list "-u"
					  (car (epg-key-sub-key-list
				 (epg-context-signers context))))
		     (if sign
			  (epg-context-sig-notations context)))
		     (apply #'nconc
			     (lambda (recipient)
			       (list "-r"
				      (car (epg-key-sub-key-list recipient)))))
		     (if (epg-data-file plain)
			 (list "--" (epg-data-file plain)))))
  (when (epg-data-string plain)
    (if (eq (process-status (epg-context-process context)) 'run)
	(process-send-string (epg-context-process context)
			     (epg-data-string plain)))
    (if (eq (process-status (epg-context-process context)) 'run)
	(process-send-eof (epg-context-process context)))))

(defun epg--list-keys-1 (context name mode)
  (let ((args (append (if epg-gpg-home-directory
			  (list "--homedir" epg-gpg-home-directory))
		      '("--with-colons" "--no-greeting" "--batch"
			"--with-fingerprint" "--with-fingerprint")
		      (unless (eq (epg-context-protocol context) 'CMS)
	(list-keys-option (if (memq mode '(t secret))
			    (if (memq mode '(nil public))
	(coding-system-for-read 'binary)
	keys string field index)
    (if name
	  (unless (listp name)
	    (setq name (list name)))
	  (while name
	    (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option (car name)))
		  name (cdr name))))
      (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option))))
      (apply #'call-process
	     (if (eq (epg-context-protocol context) 'CMS)
	     nil (list t nil) nil args)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]:.*" nil t)
	(setq keys (cons (make-vector 20 nil) keys)
	      string (match-string 0)
	      index 0
	      field 0)
	(while (eq index
		   (string-match "\\([^:]+\\)?:" string index))
	  (setq index (match-end 0))
	  (aset (car keys) field (match-string 1 string))
	  (setq field (1+ field))))
      (nreverse keys))))

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