[Gpg4win-users-de] Bad secret key

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at inka.de
Di Okt 20 17:19:09 CEST 2015

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org> wrote:
> Please generate 4k RSA keys on your card, throw them away or cancel
> the key generation after the card has been re-configured.

Leider klappt das nicht:

    What keysize do you want for the Signature key? (2048) 4096
    The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of 4096 bits
    Note: There is no guarantee that the card supports the requested
          size. If the key generation does not succeed, please check the
          documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed.
    gpg: error changing size of key 1 to 4096 bits: Invalid data

> I have opened bug 2128 for this.


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