[Gpg4win-users-en] GPG Encryption Fails When Called From Oracle Enterprise Manager

Kent Hurtig kent_hurtig at friends.edu
Thu Jan 29 23:52:37 CET 2015

Hi gpg4win users,

I have created a batch file that encrypts a file using GnuPG software.  When I run the batch file from the server where the file resides, it runs successfully and encrypts the file.  I have attached a copy of the batch file.  We use Oracle Enterprise Manager (Grid) to schedule and run daily processes from.  I have created a job in Grid that extracts data from our Banner ERP system and creates a file, it copies the file from the server it is created on to the server where the batch file needs to run and runs the batch file.  When I run the Grid job, the first two tasks finish successfully.  The task which encrypts the file using gpg starts, but does not finish and create an encrypted file.  I have searched the internet for the issue, but have not found a straight answer to resolve the problem.  I created a log directory and file in Kleopatra.  I have saved a successful job run from the server and an unsuccessful run from Grid.  I have attached both files to this email.  Is there an option in GnuPG that I can set to allow the job to finish in Grid?  We would like to be able to run the entire process from Grid.  That is we do not want to create a Grid job with the first two tasks and then schedule an independent job on the server to run the batch job.

Best regards,

Kent Hurtig
Friend's University
kent_hurtig at friends.edu<mailto:kent_hurtig at friends.edu>

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