[Skencil-commits] r725 - skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Sep 22 21:04:21 CEST 2010

Author: igor_n
Date: 2010-09-22 21:04:20 +0200 (Wed, 22 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 725

mixed indents are removed

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/connector.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/connector.py	2010-09-22 16:42:24 UTC (rev 724)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/connector.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
@@ -31,83 +31,83 @@
 class Connector:
     def __init__(self):
-	self.connections = {}
+        self.connections = {}
     def Connect(self, object, channel, function, args):
-	idx = id(object)
-	if self.connections.has_key(idx):
-	    channels = self.connections[idx]
-	else:
-	    channels = self.connections[idx] = {}
+        idx = id(object)
+        if self.connections.has_key(idx):
+            channels = self.connections[idx]
+        else:
+            channels = self.connections[idx] = {}
-	if channels.has_key(channel):
-	    receivers = channels[channel]
-	else:
-	    receivers = channels[channel] = []
+        if channels.has_key(channel):
+            receivers = channels[channel]
+        else:
+            receivers = channels[channel] = []
-	info = (function, args)
-	try:
-	    receivers.remove(info)
-	except ValueError:
-	    pass
-	receivers.append(info)
+        info = (function, args)
+        try:
+            receivers.remove(info)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        receivers.append(info)
     def Disconnect(self, object, channel, function, args):
-	try:
-	    receivers = self.connections[id(object)][channel]
-	except KeyError:
-	    raise ConnectorError, \
-		  'no receivers for channel %s of %s' % (channel, object)
-	try:
-	    receivers.remove((function, args))
-	except ValueError:
-	    raise ConnectorError,\
-	    'receiver %s%s is not connected to channel %s of %s' \
-	    % (function, args, channel, object)
+        try:
+            receivers = self.connections[id(object)][channel]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ConnectorError, \
+                  'no receivers for channel %s of %s' % (channel, object)
+        try:
+            receivers.remove((function, args))
+        except ValueError:
+            raise ConnectorError,\
+                  'receiver %s%s is not connected to channel %s of %s' \
+                  % (function, args, channel, object)
-	if not receivers:
-	    # the list of receivers is empty now, remove the channel
-	    channels = self.connections[id(object)]
-	    del channels[channel]
-	    if not channels:
-		# the object has no more channels
-		del self.connections[id(object)]
+        if not receivers:
+            # the list of receivers is empty now, remove the channel
+            channels = self.connections[id(object)]
+            del channels[channel]
+            if not channels:
+                # the object has no more channels
+                del self.connections[id(object)]
     def Issue(self, object, channel, *args):
-	#print object, channel, args
-	try:
-	    receivers = self.connections[id(object)][channel]
-	except KeyError:
-	    return
-	for func, fargs in receivers:
-	    try:
-		apply(func, args + fargs)
-	    except:
-		warn_tb(INTERNAL, "%s.%s: %s%s", object, channel, func, fargs)
+        #print object, channel, args
+        try:
+            receivers = self.connections[id(object)][channel]
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        for func, fargs in receivers:
+            try:
+                apply(func, args + fargs)
+            except:
+                warn_tb(INTERNAL, "%s.%s: %s%s", object, channel, func, fargs)
     def RemovePublisher(self, object):
-	i = id(object)
-	if self.connections.has_key(i):
-	    del self.connections[i]
-	# don't use try: del ... ; except KeyError here. That would create a
-	# new reference of object in a traceback object and this method should
-	# be callable from a __del__ method (at least for versions prior
-	# Python 1.5)
+        i = id(object)
+        if self.connections.has_key(i):
+            del self.connections[i]
+        # don't use try: del ... ; except KeyError here. That would create a
+        # new reference of object in a traceback object and this method should
+        # be callable from a __del__ method (at least for versions prior
+        # Python 1.5)
     def HasSubscribers(self, object):
-	return self.connections.has_key(id(object))
+        return self.connections.has_key(id(object))
     def print_connections(self):
-	# for debugging
-	for id, channels in self.connections.items():
-	    for name, subscribers in channels.items():
-		print id, name
-		for func, args in subscribers:
-		    if type(func) == MethodType:
-			print '\tmethod %s of %s' % (func.im_func.func_name,
-						     func.im_self)
-		    else:
-			print '\t', func
+        # for debugging
+        for id, channels in self.connections.items():
+            for name, subscribers in channels.items():
+                print id, name
+                for func, args in subscribers:
+                    if type(func) == MethodType:
+                        print '\tmethod %s of %s' % (func.im_func.func_name,
+                                                     func.im_self)
+                    else:
+                        print '\t', func
@@ -126,52 +126,52 @@
     ignore_issue = 0
     def __del__(self):
-	# the new finalization code in 1.5.1 might bind RemovePublisher
-	# to None before all objects derived from Publisher are deleted...
-	if RemovePublisher is not None:
-	    RemovePublisher(self)
+        # the new finalization code in 1.5.1 might bind RemovePublisher
+        # to None before all objects derived from Publisher are deleted...
+        if RemovePublisher is not None:
+            RemovePublisher(self)
     def Subscribe(self, channel, func, *args):
-	Connect(self, channel, func, args)
+        Connect(self, channel, func, args)
     def Unsubscribe(self, channel, func, *args):
-	Disconnect(self, channel, func, args)
+        Disconnect(self, channel, func, args)
     def issue(self, channel, *args):
-	if not self.ignore_issue:
-	    apply(Issue, (self, channel,) + args)
+        if not self.ignore_issue:
+            apply(Issue, (self, channel,) + args)
     def Destroy(self):
-	RemovePublisher(self)
+        RemovePublisher(self)
 class QueueingPublisher(Publisher):
     def __init__(self):
-	self.clear_message_queue()
+        self.clear_message_queue()
     def queue_message(self, channel, *args):
-	# Put message in the queue. If it is already queued put it at
-	# the end. This is done to make certain that no channel gets
-	# called twice between two calls to flush_message_queue. If the
-	# order of channel invocation is important two or more queues
-	# should be used.
-	message = (channel, args)
-	if message not in self.message_queue:
-	    self.message_queue.append(message)
+        # Put message in the queue. If it is already queued put it at
+        # the end. This is done to make certain that no channel gets
+        # called twice between two calls to flush_message_queue. If the
+        # order of channel invocation is important two or more queues
+        # should be used.
+        message = (channel, args)
+        if message not in self.message_queue:
+            self.message_queue.append(message)
     def flush_message_queue(self):
-	# Issue all queued messages and make the queue empty
-	#
-	# Issueing messages might result in new messages being queued.
-	# This does not happen in sketch yet (Jul 1997) but let's hope
-	# that we don't get infinite loops here...
-	while self.message_queue:
-	    queue = self.message_queue
-	    self.message_queue = []
-	    for channel, args in queue:
-		apply(Issue, (self, channel) + args)
+        # Issue all queued messages and make the queue empty
+        #
+        # Issueing messages might result in new messages being queued.
+        # This does not happen in sketch yet (Jul 1997) but let's hope
+        # that we don't get infinite loops here...
+        while self.message_queue:
+            queue = self.message_queue
+            self.message_queue = []
+            for channel, args in queue:
+                apply(Issue, (self, channel) + args)
     def clear_message_queue(self):
-	self.message_queue = []
+        self.message_queue = []

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