[Skencil-commits] r726 - skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Sep 22 21:14:01 CEST 2010

Author: igor_n
Date: 2010-09-22 21:13:59 +0200 (Wed, 22 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 726

mixed indents are removed

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/load.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/load.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/load.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -70,28 +70,28 @@
     guess_continuity = 0
     def __init__(self):
-	self.composite_stack = None
-	self.composite_items = []
-	self.composite_class = None
-	self.composite_args = None
-	self.object = None
+        self.composite_stack = None
+        self.composite_items = []
+        self.composite_class = None
+        self.composite_args = None
+        self.object = None
     def __push(self):
-	self.composite_stack = (self.composite_class,
-				self.composite_args,
-				self.composite_items,
-				self.composite_stack)
+        self.composite_stack = (self.composite_class,
+                                self.composite_args,
+                                self.composite_items,
+                                self.composite_stack)
     def __pop(self):
-	(self.composite_class, self.composite_args,
-	 self.composite_items, self.composite_stack) = self.composite_stack
+        (self.composite_class, self.composite_args,
+         self.composite_items, self.composite_stack) = self.composite_stack
     def begin_composite(self, composite_class, args = (), kw = None):
-	self.__push()
-	self.composite_class = composite_class
-	self.composite_args = (args, kw)
-	self.composite_items = []
-	self.object = None
+        self.__push()
+        self.composite_class = composite_class
+        self.composite_args = (args, kw)
+        self.composite_items = []
+        self.object = None
     def end_composite(self):
         if self.composite_class:
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
             # then) but they might. If they're empty they're simply
             # ignored
             if self.composite_items or composite.can_be_empty \
-                   or composite.is_Plugin:
+               or composite.is_Plugin:
                 append = composite.load_AppendObject
                 for item in self.composite_items:
                     if self.check_object(item):
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
             raise SketchLoadError('no composite to end')
     def end_all(self):
-	while self.composite_stack:
-	    self.end_composite()
+        while self.composite_stack:
+            self.end_composite()
     def check_object(self, object):
         # Return true if object is OK. Currently this just checks the
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
         return result
     def append_object(self, object):
-	self.composite_items.append(object)
-	self.object = object
+        self.composite_items.append(object)
+        self.object = object
     def pop_last(self):
         # remove the last object in self.composite_items and return it
@@ -172,145 +172,145 @@
     base_style = None
     def __init__(self, file, filename, match):
-	LoaderWithComposites.__init__(self)
-	self.file = file
-	self.filename = filename
-	self.match = match
-	self.style = Style()
-	if self.base_style is not None:
-	    self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate())
-	else:
-	    self.prop_stack = PropertyStack()
-	self.messages = {}
+        LoaderWithComposites.__init__(self)
+        self.file = file
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.match = match
+        self.style = Style()
+        if self.base_style is not None:
+            self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base=self.base_style.Duplicate())
+        else:
+            self.prop_stack = PropertyStack()
+        self.messages = {}
     def get_prop_stack(self):
-	stack = self.prop_stack
-	if not self.style.IsEmpty():
-	    stack.load_AddStyle(self.style)
-	stack.condense()
-	if self.base_style is not None:
-	    self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base =self.base_style.Duplicate())
-	else:
-	    self.prop_stack = PropertyStack()
-	self.style = Style()
-	return stack
+        stack = self.prop_stack
+        if not self.style.IsEmpty():
+            stack.load_AddStyle(self.style)
+        stack.condense()
+        if self.base_style is not None:
+            self.prop_stack = PropertyStack(base =self.base_style.Duplicate())
+        else:
+            self.prop_stack = PropertyStack()
+        self.style = Style()
+        return stack
     def set_prop_stack(self, stack):
         self.prop_stack = stack
     def document(self, *args, **kw):
-	self.begin_composite(doc_class, args, kw)
+        self.begin_composite(doc_class, args, kw)
     def layer(self, *args, **kw):
-	self.begin_layer_class(layer.Layer, args, kw)
+        self.begin_layer_class(layer.Layer, args, kw)
     def end_layer(self):
-	self.end_composite()
+        self.end_composite()
     def begin_layer_class(self, layer_class, args, kw = None):
-	if issubclass(self.composite_class, layer.Layer):
-	    self.end_composite()
-	if issubclass(self.composite_class, doc_class):
-	    self.begin_composite(layer_class, args, kw)
-	else:
-	    raise SketchLoadError('self.composite_class is %s, not a document',
-				  self.composite_class)
+        if issubclass(self.composite_class, layer.Layer):
+            self.end_composite()
+        if issubclass(self.composite_class, doc_class):
+            self.begin_composite(layer_class, args, kw)
+        else:
+            raise SketchLoadError('self.composite_class is %s, not a document',
+                                  self.composite_class)
     def bezier(self, paths = None):
-	self.append_object(PolyBezier(paths = paths,
-				      properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
+        self.append_object(PolyBezier(paths = paths,
+                                      properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
     def rectangle(self, m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2, radius1 = 0, radius2 = 0):
-	trafo = Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2)
-	self.append_object(Rectangle(trafo, radius1 = radius1,
-				     radius2 = radius2,
-				     properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
+        trafo = Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2)
+        self.append_object(Rectangle(trafo, radius1 = radius1,
+                                     radius2 = radius2,
+                                     properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
     def ellipse(self, m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2, start_angle = 0.0,
-		end_angle = 0.0, arc_type = ArcPieSlice):
-	self.append_object(Ellipse(Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2),
-				   start_angle, end_angle, arc_type,
-				   properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
+                end_angle = 0.0, arc_type = ArcPieSlice):
+        self.append_object(Ellipse(Trafo(m11, m21, m12, m22, v1, v2),
+                                   start_angle, end_angle, arc_type,
+                                   properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
     def simple_text(self, str, trafo = None, valign = text.ALIGN_BASE,
-		    halign = text.ALIGN_LEFT):
-	if type(trafo) == TupleType:
-	    if len(trafo) == 2:
-		trafo = apply(Translation, trafo)
-	    else:
-		raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple"
-	self.append_object(text.SimpleText(text = str, trafo = trafo,
-					   valign = valign, halign = halign,
-					   properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
+                    halign = text.ALIGN_LEFT):
+        if type(trafo) == TupleType:
+            if len(trafo) == 2:
+                trafo = apply(Translation, trafo)
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple"
+        self.append_object(text.SimpleText(text = str, trafo = trafo,
+                                           valign = valign, halign = halign,
+                                           properties = self.get_prop_stack()))
     def image(self, image, trafo):
-	if type(trafo) == TupleType:
-	    if len(trafo) == 2:
-		trafo = apply(Translation, trafo)
-	    else:
-		raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple"
+        if type(trafo) == TupleType:
+            if len(trafo) == 2:
+                trafo = apply(Translation, trafo)
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, "trafo must be a Trafo-object or a 2-tuple"
         image = ImageData(image)
         self.append_object(Image(image, trafo = trafo))
     def begin_group(self, *args, **kw):
-	self.begin_composite(group.Group, args, kw)
+        self.begin_composite(group.Group, args, kw)
     def end_group(self):
-	self.end_composite()
+        self.end_composite()
     def guess_cont(self):
-	self.guess_continuity = 1
+        self.guess_continuity = 1
     def end_composite(self):
-	isdoc = self.composite_class is doc_class
-	LoaderWithComposites.end_composite(self)
-	if isdoc:
-	    self.add_meta(self.object)
+        isdoc = self.composite_class is doc_class
+        LoaderWithComposites.end_composite(self)
+        if isdoc:
+            self.add_meta(self.object)
     def add_meta(self, doc):
-	doc.meta.fullpathname = self.filename
-	dir, name = os.path.split(self.filename)
-	doc.meta.directory = dir
-	doc.meta.filename = name
-	doc.meta.native_format = 0
-	doc.meta.format_name = self.format_name
+        doc.meta.fullpathname = self.filename
+        dir, name = os.path.split(self.filename)
+        doc.meta.directory = dir
+        doc.meta.filename = name
+        doc.meta.native_format = 0
+        doc.meta.format_name = self.format_name
     def add_message(self, message):
-	pdebug(('load', 'echo_messages'), message)
-	self.messages[message] = self.messages.get(message, 0) + 1
+        pdebug(('load', 'echo_messages'), message)
+        self.messages[message] = self.messages.get(message, 0) + 1
     def Messages(self):
-	messages = self.messages.items()
-	list = []
-	for message, count in messages:
-	    if count > 1:
-		list.append(_("%(message)s (%(count)d times)") % locals())
-	    else:
-		list.append(message)
-	list.sort()
-	return string.join(list, '\n')
+        messages = self.messages.items()
+        list = []
+        for message, count in messages:
+            if count > 1:
+                list.append(_("%(message)s (%(count)d times)") % locals())
+            else:
+                list.append(message)
+        list.sort()
+        return string.join(list, '\n')
 class SimplifiedLoader(GenericLoader):
     def __init__(self, file, filename, match):
-	GenericLoader.__init__(self, file, filename, match)
-	self.lineno = 1 # first line has been read
+        GenericLoader.__init__(self, file, filename, match)
+        self.lineno = 1 # first line has been read
     def readline(self):
-	line = self.file.readline()
-	self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
-	return line
+        line = self.file.readline()
+        self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
+        return line
     def set_properties(self, **kw):
-	style = self.style
-	for key, value in kw.items():
-	    setattr(style, key, value)
+        style = self.style
+        for key, value in kw.items():
+            setattr(style, key, value)
     def empty_line(self):
-	self.style.line_pattern = EmptyPattern
+        self.style.line_pattern = EmptyPattern
     def empty_fill(self):
-	self.style.fill_pattern = EmptyPattern
+        self.style.fill_pattern = EmptyPattern
@@ -325,44 +325,44 @@
         line = line + file.read(12 - len(line))
     #print line
     for info in plugins.import_plugins:
-	match = info.rx_magic.match(line)
-	if match:
-	    loader = info(file, filename, match)
-	    try:
-		if do_profile:
-		    import profile
-		    warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling...')
-		    prof = profile.Profile()
-		    prof.runctx('loader.Load()', globals(), locals())
-		    prof.dump_stats(os.path.join(info.dir,
-						 info.module_name + '.prof'))
-		    warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling... (done)')
-		    doc = loader.object
-		else:
+        match = info.rx_magic.match(line)
+        if match:
+            loader = info(file, filename, match)
+            try:
+                if do_profile:
+                    import profile
+                    warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling...')
+                    prof = profile.Profile()
+                    prof.runctx('loader.Load()', globals(), locals())
+                    prof.dump_stats(os.path.join(info.dir,
+                                                 info.module_name + '.prof'))
+                    warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling... (done)')
+                    doc = loader.object
+                else:
                     #t = time.clock()
-		    doc = loader.Load()
+                    doc = loader.Load()
                     #print 'load in', time.clock() - t, 'sec.'
-		messages = loader.Messages()
-		if messages:
-		    doc.meta.load_messages = messages
-		return doc
-	    finally:
-		info.UnloadPlugin()
+                messages = loader.Messages()
+                if messages:
+                    doc.meta.load_messages = messages
+                return doc
+            finally:
+                info.UnloadPlugin()
-	raise SketchLoadError(_("unrecognised file type"))
+        raise SketchLoadError(_("unrecognised file type"))
 def load_drawing(filename):
     if type(filename) == StringType:
-	try:
-	    file = open(filename, 'r')
-	except IOError, value:
-	    message = value.strerror
-	    raise SketchLoadError(_("Cannot open %(filename)s:\n%(message)s")
-				  % locals())
+        try:
+            file = open(filename, 'r')
+        except IOError, value:
+            message = value.strerror
+            raise SketchLoadError(_("Cannot open %(filename)s:\n%(message)s")
+                                  % locals())
-	# assume a file object. This does not happen at the moment and
-	# SKLoder requires the filename for external objects.
-	file = filename
-	filename = ''
+        # assume a file object. This does not happen at the moment and
+        # SKLoder requires the filename for external objects.
+        file = filename
+        filename = ''
     return load_drawing_from_file(file, filename)

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/main.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/main.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/main.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -77,40 +77,40 @@
     # recognize a standard X geometry specification... (hack)
     if '-geometry' in args:
-	try:
-	    idx = args.index('-geometry')
-	    geo = args[idx:idx + 2]
-	    if len(geo) == 2:
-		del args[idx:idx + 2]
-		geo[0] = '-g'
-		args[0:0] = geo
-	except:
-	    pass
+        try:
+            idx = args.index('-geometry')
+            geo = args[idx:idx + 2]
+            if len(geo) == 2:
+                del args[idx:idx + 2]
+                geo[0] = '-g'
+                args[0:0] = geo
+        except:
+            pass
     opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'd:g:hi',
-			       ['display=', 'geometry=', 'help', 'run-script=',
+                               ['display=', 'geometry=', 'help', 'run-script=',
     # the option -i is a hack to allow sketch to be used as a `python
     # interpreter' in the python shell in python-mode.el
     options = util.Empty(args = args,
-			 display = None,
-			 geometry = None,
+                         display = None,
+                         geometry = None,
                          run_script = None)
     for optchar, value in opts:
-	if optchar == '-d' or optchar == '--display':
-	    options.display = value
-	elif optchar == '-g' or optchar == '--geometry':
-	    options.geometry = value
+        if optchar == '-d' or optchar == '--display':
+            options.display = value
+        elif optchar == '-g' or optchar == '--geometry':
+            options.geometry = value
         elif optchar == '--run-script':
             options.run_script = value
-	elif optchar == '-h' or optchar == '--help':
-	    print Sketch._(usage)
-	    sys.exit(0)
-	elif optchar == '--version':
-	    print Sketch._(version) % Sketch.SketchVersion
-	    sys.exit(0)
+        elif optchar == '-h' or optchar == '--help':
+            print Sketch._(usage)
+            sys.exit(0)
+        elif optchar == '--version':
+            print Sketch._(version) % Sketch.SketchVersion
+            sys.exit(0)
     return options
@@ -129,22 +129,22 @@
     global application
-	options = process_args(sys.argv[1:])
+        options = process_args(sys.argv[1:])
     except getopt.error:
-	sys.stderr.write(Sketch._(usage))
-	sys.exit(1)
+        sys.stderr.write(Sketch._(usage))
+        sys.exit(1)
     if options.args:
-	filename = options.args[0]
+        filename = options.args[0]
-	filename = ''
+        filename = ''
     from Sketch.UI.skapp import SketchApplication
     application = SketchApplication(filename, options.display,
-				    options.geometry,
+                                    options.geometry,
                                     run_script = options.run_script)
     Sketch.Issue(None, Sketch.const.APP_INITIALIZED, application)

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/plugins.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/plugins.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/plugins.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
     names = split(package, '.')
     for i in range(1, len(names) + 1):
-	name = join(names[:i], '.')
-	if not sys.modules.has_key(name):
-	    module = imp.new_module(name)
-	    module.__path__ = []
-	    sys.modules[name] = module
+        name = join(names[:i], '.')
+        if not sys.modules.has_key(name):
+            module = imp.new_module(name)
+            module.__path__ = []
+            sys.modules[name] = module
     return sys.modules[name]
 class ConfigInfo:
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
     def __init__(self, module_name, dir, version = '1.0.0', unload = None,
                  load_immediately = 0, standard_messages = 0):
-	self.module_name = module_name
-	self.dir = dir
-	self.unload = unload
+        self.module_name = module_name
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.unload = unload
         self.load_immediately = load_immediately
-	self.version = version
-	self.plugin_list.append(self)
+        self.version = version
+        self.plugin_list.append(self)
         self.standard_messages = standard_messages
         if not self.standard_messages:
             bindtextdomain(self.module_name, message_dir)
@@ -67,45 +67,45 @@
     def load_module(self):
-	if self.module is not None:
-	    return self.module
-	try:
-	    file, filename, desc = imp.find_module(self.module_name,
-						   [self.dir])
-	except:
-	    warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'Cannot find plugin module %s', self.module_name)
-	    return None
-	try:
-	    try:
-		create_packages(self.package)
-		module_name = self.package + '.' + self.module_name
-		self.module = imp.load_module(module_name, file, filename,
-					      desc)
-	    except:
-		warn_tb(USER, _("Cannot load plugin module %s"),
-			self.module_name)
-		raise
-	finally:
-	    if file is not None:
-		file.close()
-	self.module._ = self.nls_function()
-	return self.module
+        if self.module is not None:
+            return self.module
+        try:
+            file, filename, desc = imp.find_module(self.module_name,
+                                                   [self.dir])
+        except:
+            warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'Cannot find plugin module %s', self.module_name)
+            return None
+        try:
+            try:
+                create_packages(self.package)
+                module_name = self.package + '.' + self.module_name
+                self.module = imp.load_module(module_name, file, filename,
+                                              desc)
+            except:
+                warn_tb(USER, _("Cannot load plugin module %s"),
+                        self.module_name)
+                raise
+        finally:
+            if file is not None:
+                file.close()
+        self.module._ = self.nls_function()
+        return self.module
     def UnloadPlugin(self):
-	if self.unload:
-	    module_name = self.package + '.' + self.module_name
-	    try:
-		module = sys.modules[module_name]
-	    except KeyError:
-		# might happen if the module wasn't even loaded
-		return
-	    self.module = None
-	    if type(self.unload) == type(""):
-		getattr(module, self.unload)(module)
-	    else:
-		name = module.__name__
-		module.__dict__.clear()
-		del sys.modules[name]
+        if self.unload:
+            module_name = self.package + '.' + self.module_name
+            try:
+                module = sys.modules[module_name]
+            except KeyError:
+                # might happen if the module wasn't even loaded
+                return
+            self.module = None
+            if type(self.unload) == type(""):
+                getattr(module, self.unload)(module)
+            else:
+                name = module.__name__
+                module.__dict__.clear()
+                del sys.modules[name]
     def nls_function(self):
         if self.standard_messages:
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@
             domain = self.module_name
             def _(text, domain = domain):
-	        #print domain, text
+                #print domain, text
                 result = dgettext(domain, text)
-	        #print '->', result
+                #print '->', result
                 return result
         return _
@@ -135,37 +135,37 @@
     plugin_list = import_plugins
     def __init__(self, module_name, dir, rx_magic, class_name, format_name,
-		 tk_file_type = (), version = '1.0.0', unload = None,
+                 tk_file_type = (), version = '1.0.0', unload = None,
                  load_immediately = 0, standard_messages = 0):
-	ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
-			    unload = unload,
+        ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
+                            unload = unload,
                             load_immediately = load_immediately,
                             standard_messages = standard_messages)
-	self.rx_magic = re.compile(rx_magic)
-	self.class_name = class_name
-	self.format_name = format_name
-	self.tk_file_type = tk_file_type
-	self.translate()
+        self.rx_magic = re.compile(rx_magic)
+        self.class_name = class_name
+        self.format_name = format_name
+        self.tk_file_type = tk_file_type
+        self.translate()
     def translate(self):
-	name, ext = self.tk_file_type
-	name = self.gettext(name)
-	self.tk_file_type = name, ext
+        name, ext = self.tk_file_type
+        name = self.gettext(name)
+        self.tk_file_type = name, ext
     def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
-	try:
-	    module = self.load_module()
-	    if module is not None:
-		return apply(getattr(module, self.class_name), args, kw)
-	except:
-	    warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
-	    raise SketchError('Cannot load filter %(name)s.%(message)s'
-			      % {'name':self.module_name,
-				 'message':self.class_name})
+        try:
+            module = self.load_module()
+            if module is not None:
+                return apply(getattr(module, self.class_name), args, kw)
+        except:
+            warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
+            raise SketchError('Cannot load filter %(name)s.%(message)s'
+                              % {'name':self.module_name,
+                                 'message':self.class_name})
     def UnloadPlugin(self):
-	if config.preferences.unload_import_filters:
-	    ConfigInfo.UnloadPlugin(self)
+        if config.preferences.unload_import_filters:
+            ConfigInfo.UnloadPlugin(self)
 export_plugins = []
 export_formats = {}
@@ -175,57 +175,57 @@
     plugin_list = export_plugins
     def __init__(self, module_name, dir, format_name, tk_file_type = (),
-		 extensions = (), version = '1.0.0', unload = None,
+                 extensions = (), version = '1.0.0', unload = None,
                  load_immediately = 0, standard_messages = 0):
-	ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
-			    unload = unload,
+        ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
+                            unload = unload,
                             load_immediately = load_immediately,
                             standard_messages = standard_messages)
-	self.format_name = format_name
-	self.tk_file_type = tk_file_type
-	if type(extensions) != type(()):
-	    extensions = (extensions,)
-	self.extensions = extensions
-	export_formats[format_name] = self
+        self.format_name = format_name
+        self.tk_file_type = tk_file_type
+        if type(extensions) != type(()):
+            extensions = (extensions,)
+        self.extensions = extensions
+        export_formats[format_name] = self
     def translate(self):
-	name, ext = self.tk_file_type
-	name = self.gettext(name)
-	self.tk_file_type = name, ext
+        name, ext = self.tk_file_type
+        name = self.gettext(name)
+        self.tk_file_type = name, ext
     def __call__(self, document, filename, file = None, options = None):
-	if options is None:
-	    options = {}
-	try:
-	    module = self.load_module()
-	except:
-	    warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
-	    raise SketchError(_("Cannot load filter %(name)s")
-			      % {'name':self.module_name})
-	if file is None:
-	    file = open(filename, 'w')
-	    close = 1
-	else:
-	    close = 0
-	if module is not None:
-	    module.save(document, file, filename, options)
-	if close:
-	    file.close()
-	if self.format_name == NativeFormat:
-	    document.ClearEdited()
-	self.UnloadPlugin()
+        if options is None:
+            options = {}
+        try:
+            module = self.load_module()
+        except:
+            warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
+            raise SketchError(_("Cannot load filter %(name)s")
+                              % {'name':self.module_name})
+        if file is None:
+            file = open(filename, 'w')
+            close = 1
+        else:
+            close = 0
+        if module is not None:
+            module.save(document, file, filename, options)
+        if close:
+            file.close()
+        if self.format_name == NativeFormat:
+            document.ClearEdited()
+        self.UnloadPlugin()
     def UnloadPlugin(self):
-	if config.preferences.unload_import_filters:
-	    ConfigInfo.UnloadPlugin(self)
+        if config.preferences.unload_import_filters:
+            ConfigInfo.UnloadPlugin(self)
 def find_export_plugin(name):
     return export_formats.get(name)
 def guess_export_plugin(extension):
     for plugin in export_plugins:
-	if extension in plugin.extensions:
-	    return plugin.format_name
+        if extension in plugin.extensions:
+            return plugin.format_name
     return ''
 object_plugins = {}
@@ -238,35 +238,35 @@
                  version = '1.0.0', parameters = (), uses_selection = 0,
                  custom_dialog = '', load_immediately = 0,
                  standard_messages = 0):
-	ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
+        ConfigInfo.__init__(self, module_name, dir, version = version,
                             load_immediately = load_immediately,
                             standard_messages = standard_messages)
-	self.class_name = class_name
+        self.class_name = class_name
         self.factory = factory
-	self.menu_text = menu_text
-	self.parameters = parameters
+        self.menu_text = menu_text
+        self.parameters = parameters
         self.uses_selection = uses_selection
         self.custom_dialog = custom_dialog
-	object_plugins[class_name] = self
-	self.translate()
+        object_plugins[class_name] = self
+        self.translate()
     def translate(self):
-	gettext = self.gettext
-	self.menu_text = gettext(self.menu_text)
-	parameters = []
-	for parameter in self.parameters:
-	    parameters.append(parameter[:-1] + (gettext(parameter[-1]),))
-	self.parameters = parameters
+        gettext = self.gettext
+        self.menu_text = gettext(self.menu_text)
+        parameters = []
+        for parameter in self.parameters:
+            parameters.append(parameter[:-1] + (gettext(parameter[-1]),))
+        self.parameters = parameters
     def load_module_attr(self, attr):
-	try:
-	    module = self.load_module()
-	    if module is not None:
-		return getattr(module, attr)
-	except:
-	    warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
-	    raise SketchError(_("Cannot load plugin %(name)s.%(attr)s")
-			      % {'name':self.module_name, 'attr':attr})
+        try:
+            module = self.load_module()
+            if module is not None:
+                return getattr(module, attr)
+        except:
+            warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name)
+            raise SketchError(_("Cannot load plugin %(name)s.%(attr)s")
+                              % {'name':self.module_name, 'attr':attr})
     def Constructor(self):
         return self.load_module_attr(self.class_name)
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
     __call__ = CallFactory
     def HasParameters(self):
-	return len(self.parameters)
+        return len(self.parameters)
     def UsesSelection(self):
         return self.uses_selection
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 config_types = {'Import': ImportInfo,
                 'Export': ExportInfo,
-		'PluginCompound': PluginCompoundInfo
+                'PluginCompound': PluginCompoundInfo
@@ -310,27 +310,27 @@
     file = open(file, 'r')
     cfg = []
     for line in file.readlines():
-	if rx_end.match(line):
-	    break
-	elif cfg or rx_start.match(line):
-	    if line[0] == '#':
-		line = line[1:]
-	    if line[-2] == '\\':
-		line = line[:-2]
-	    cfg.append(line)
+        if rx_end.match(line):
+            break
+        elif cfg or rx_start.match(line):
+            if line[0] == '#':
+                line = line[1:]
+            if line[-2] == '\\':
+                line = line[:-2]
+            cfg.append(line)
     return join(cfg, '')
 def _search_dir(dir, recurse, package = 'Sketch.Plugins'):
-	files = os.listdir(dir)
+        files = os.listdir(dir)
     except os.error, value:
-	warn(USER, _("Cannot list directory %(filename)s\n%(message)s"),
-	     filename = dir, message = value[1])
-	return
+        warn(USER, _("Cannot list directory %(filename)s\n%(message)s"),
+             filename = dir, message = value[1])
+        return
     for file in files:
-	filename = os.path.join(dir, file)
+        filename = os.path.join(dir, file)
         if os.path.isdir(filename):
             if file == "Lib":
                 # A Lib directory on the plugin path. It's assumed to
@@ -344,49 +344,49 @@
                 # an ordinary directory and we should recurse into it to
                 # find more modules, so do that.
                 _search_dir(filename, recurse - 1, package + '.' + file)
-	elif filename[-3:] == '.py':
-	    try:
-		module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
-		vars = {'_':_}	# hack
-		cfg = extract_cfg(filename)
-		exec cfg in config_types, vars
-		infoclass = vars.get('type')
-		if infoclass is None:
-		    warn(USER, _("No plugin-type information in %(filename)s"),
-			 filename = filename)
-		else:
-		    del vars['type']
-		    del vars['_']
-		    info = apply(infoclass, (module_name, dir), vars)
-		    info.package = package
-	    except:
-		warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'In config file %s', filename)
-		warn(USER, _("can't read configuration information from "
-			     "%(filename)s"),
-		     filename =	 filename)
+        elif filename[-3:] == '.py':
+            try:
+                module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+                vars = {'_':_}	# hack
+                cfg = extract_cfg(filename)
+                exec cfg in config_types, vars
+                infoclass = vars.get('type')
+                if infoclass is None:
+                    warn(USER, _("No plugin-type information in %(filename)s"),
+                         filename = filename)
+                else:
+                    del vars['type']
+                    del vars['_']
+                    info = apply(infoclass, (module_name, dir), vars)
+                    info.package = package
+            except:
+                warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'In config file %s', filename)
+                warn(USER, _("can't read configuration information from "
+                             "%(filename)s"),
+                     filename =	 filename)
 def load_plugin_configuration(): #path):
     if __debug__:
-	import time
-	start = time.clock()
+        import time
+        start = time.clock()
     path = config.plugin_path
     for dir in path:
-	# XXX unix specific
-	if len(dir) >= 2 and dir[-1] == '/':
-	    if dir[-2] == '/':
-		recurse = -1
-	    else:
-		recurse = 1
-	else:
-	    recurse = 0
-	_search_dir(dir, recurse)
+        # XXX unix specific
+        if len(dir) >= 2 and dir[-1] == '/':
+            if dir[-2] == '/':
+                recurse = -1
+            else:
+                recurse = 1
+        else:
+            recurse = 0
+        _search_dir(dir, recurse)
     if __debug__:
-	pdebug('timing', 'time to scan cfg files: %g', time.clock()-start)
+        pdebug('timing', 'time to scan cfg files: %g', time.clock()-start)
     # rearrange import plugins to ensure that native format is first
     for loader in import_plugins:
-	if loader.format_name == NativeFormat:
-	    import_plugins.remove(loader)
-	    import_plugins.insert(0, loader)
+        if loader.format_name == NativeFormat:
+            import_plugins.remove(loader)
+            import_plugins.insert(0, loader)
 Subscribe(const.INITIALIZE, load_plugin_configuration)

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/skexceptions.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/skexceptions.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/skexceptions.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@
 class SketchIOError(SketchError):
     def __init__(self, errno, strerror, filename = ''):
-	self.errno = errno
-	self.strerror = strerror
-	self.filename = filename
+        self.errno = errno
+        self.strerror = strerror
+        self.filename = filename

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undo.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undo.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undo.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@
     # execute a single undoinfo
     func = info[0]
     if type(func) == StringType:
-	text = func
-	func = info[1]
-	args = info[2:]
+        text = func
+        func = info[1]
+        args = info[2:]
-	args = info[1:]
-	text = None
+        args = info[1:]
+        text = None
-	redo = apply(func, args)
-	if text is not None and callable(redo[0]):
-	    return (text,) + redo
-	else:
-	    return redo
+        redo = apply(func, args)
+        if text is not None and callable(redo[0]):
+            return (text,) + redo
+        else:
+            return redo
-	warn(INTERNAL, 'Exception in undo:\ninfo: %s\nfunc: %s\nargs: %s',
-	     info, func, args)
-	warn_tb(INTERNAL)
+        warn(INTERNAL, 'Exception in undo:\ninfo: %s\nfunc: %s\nargs: %s',
+             info, func, args)
+        warn_tb(INTERNAL)
 def UndoList(infos):
     undoinfo = map(Undo, infos)
@@ -61,28 +61,28 @@
 def _get_callable(info):
     if type(info[0]) == StringType:
-	return info[1]
+        return info[1]
     return info[0]
 def CreateListUndo(infos):
     undolist = []
     for info in infos:
-	if info is NullUndo:
-	    continue
-	if info[0] is UndoList:
+        if info is NullUndo:
+            continue
+        if info[0] is UndoList:
             undolist[len(undolist):] = list(info[-1])
-	else:
-	    undolist.append(info)
+        else:
+            undolist.append(info)
     if undolist:
-	if len(undolist) == 1:
-	    return undolist[0]
-	return (UndoList, undolist)
+        if len(undolist) == 1:
+            return undolist[0]
+        return (UndoList, undolist)
     return NullUndo
 def CreateMultiUndo(*infos):
     if len(infos) > 1:
-	return CreateListUndo(list(infos))
+        return CreateListUndo(list(infos))
     return infos[0]
@@ -103,24 +103,24 @@
     # Check whether INFO has the correct format for undoinfo. Raise
     # UndoTypeError if the format is invalid.
     if type(info) != TupleType:
-	raise UndoTypeError("undo info is not a tuple (%s, type %s)"
-			    % (info, type(info)))
+        raise UndoTypeError("undo info is not a tuple (%s, type %s)"
+                            % (info, type(info)))
     if len(info) < 1:
-	raise UndoTypeError("undo info is empty tuple")
+        raise UndoTypeError("undo info is empty tuple")
     f = info[0]
     if type(f) == StringType:
-	if len(info) > 1:
-	    f = info[1]
+        if len(info) > 1:
+            f = info[1]
     if not callable(f):
-	raise UndoTypeError("undo info has no callable item")
+        raise UndoTypeError("undo info has no callable item")
 def check_info_silently(info):
     # Return true if INFO is valid undo information, false otherwise.
-	check_info(info)
-	return 1
+        check_info(info)
+        return 1
     except UndoTypeError:
-	return 0
+        return 0
 class UndoRedo:
@@ -134,94 +134,94 @@
     # last save or not.
     undo_count = 0
     def __init__(self):
-	self.undoinfo = []
-	self.redoinfo = []
-	self.SetUndoLimit(preferences.undo_limit)
-	if not self.undo_count:
-	    self.undo_count = 0
+        self.undoinfo = []
+        self.redoinfo = []
+        self.SetUndoLimit(preferences.undo_limit)
+        if not self.undo_count:
+            self.undo_count = 0
     def SetUndoLimit(self, undo_limit):
-	if undo_limit is None:
-	    # unlimited undo. approximate by choosing a very large number
-	    undo_limit = maxint
-	if undo_limit >= 1:
-	    self.max_undo = undo_limit
-	else:
-	    self.max_undo = 1
+        if undo_limit is None:
+            # unlimited undo. approximate by choosing a very large number
+            undo_limit = maxint
+        if undo_limit >= 1:
+            self.max_undo = undo_limit
+        else:
+            self.max_undo = 1
     def CanUndo(self):
-	# Return true, iff an undo operation can be performed.
-	return len(self.undoinfo) > 0
+        # Return true, iff an undo operation can be performed.
+        return len(self.undoinfo) > 0
     def CanRedo(self):
-	# Return true, iff a redo operation can be performed.
-	return len(self.redoinfo) > 0
+        # Return true, iff a redo operation can be performed.
+        return len(self.redoinfo) > 0
     def Undo(self):
-	# If undo info is available, perform a single undo and add the
-	# redo info to the redo list. Also, decrement the undo count.
-	if len(self.undoinfo) > 0:
-	    self.add_redo(Undo(self.undoinfo[0]))
-	    del self.undoinfo[0]
-	    self.undo_count = self.undo_count - 1
+        # If undo info is available, perform a single undo and add the
+        # redo info to the redo list. Also, decrement the undo count.
+        if len(self.undoinfo) > 0:
+            self.add_redo(Undo(self.undoinfo[0]))
+            del self.undoinfo[0]
+            self.undo_count = self.undo_count - 1
     def AddUndo(self, info, clear_redo = 1):
-	# Add the undo info INFO to the undo list. If the undo list is
-	# longer than self.max_undo, discard the excessive undo info.
-	# Also increment the undo count and discard all redo info.
-	#
-	# The flag CLEAR_REDO is used for internal purposes and inhibits
-	# clearing the redo info if it is false. This flag is only used
-	# by the Redo method. Code outside of this class should not use
-	# this parameter.
-	check_info(info)
-	if info:
-	    self.undoinfo.insert(0, info)
-	    self.undo_count = self.undo_count + 1
-	    if len(self.undoinfo) > self.max_undo:
-		del self.undoinfo[self.max_undo:]
-	    if clear_redo:
-		self.redoinfo = []
+        # Add the undo info INFO to the undo list. If the undo list is
+        # longer than self.max_undo, discard the excessive undo info.
+        # Also increment the undo count and discard all redo info.
+        #
+        # The flag CLEAR_REDO is used for internal purposes and inhibits
+        # clearing the redo info if it is false. This flag is only used
+        # by the Redo method. Code outside of this class should not use
+        # this parameter.
+        check_info(info)
+        if info:
+            self.undoinfo.insert(0, info)
+            self.undo_count = self.undo_count + 1
+            if len(self.undoinfo) > self.max_undo:
+                del self.undoinfo[self.max_undo:]
+            if clear_redo:
+                self.redoinfo = []
     def Redo(self):
-	# If redo info is available, perform a single redo and add the
-	# undo info to the undo list. The undo count is taken care of by
-	# the AddUndo method.
-	if len(self.redoinfo) > 0:
-	    self.AddUndo(Undo(self.redoinfo[0]), 0)
-	    del self.redoinfo[0]
+        # If redo info is available, perform a single redo and add the
+        # undo info to the undo list. The undo count is taken care of by
+        # the AddUndo method.
+        if len(self.redoinfo) > 0:
+            self.AddUndo(Undo(self.redoinfo[0]), 0)
+            del self.redoinfo[0]
     def add_redo(self, info):
-	# Internal method: add a single redo info
-	check_info(info)
-	self.redoinfo.insert(0, info)
+        # Internal method: add a single redo info
+        check_info(info)
+        self.redoinfo.insert(0, info)
     def UndoText(self):
-	# Return a string to describe the operation that would be undone
-	# next, in a format suitable for a menu entry.
-	if self.undoinfo:
-	    undolabel = self.undoinfo[0][0]
-	    if type(undolabel) == StringType:
-		return _("Undo %s") % undolabel
-	return _("Undo")
+        # Return a string to describe the operation that would be undone
+        # next, in a format suitable for a menu entry.
+        if self.undoinfo:
+            undolabel = self.undoinfo[0][0]
+            if type(undolabel) == StringType:
+                return _("Undo %s") % undolabel
+        return _("Undo")
     def RedoText(self):
-	# Return a string to describe the operation that would be redone
-	# next, in a format suitable for a menu entry.
-	if self.redoinfo:
-	    redolabel = self.redoinfo[0][0]
-	    if type(redolabel) == StringType:
-		return _("Redo %s") % redolabel
-	return _("Redo")
+        # Return a string to describe the operation that would be redone
+        # next, in a format suitable for a menu entry.
+        if self.redoinfo:
+            redolabel = self.redoinfo[0][0]
+            if type(redolabel) == StringType:
+                return _("Redo %s") % redolabel
+        return _("Redo")
     def Reset(self):
-	# Forget all undo/redo information
-	self.__init__()
+        # Forget all undo/redo information
+        self.__init__()
     def ResetUndoCount(self):
-	self.undo_count = 0
+        self.undo_count = 0
     def UndoCount(self):
-	return self.undo_count
+        return self.undo_count

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undodict.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undodict.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/undodict.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -26,55 +26,55 @@
 class UndoDict:
     def __init__(self):
-	self.dict = {}
+        self.dict = {}
     def __getitem__(self, key):
-	return self.dict[key]
+        return self.dict[key]
     def __len__(self):
-	return len(self.dict)
+        return len(self.dict)
     def keys(self):
-	return self.dict.keys()
+        return self.dict.keys()
     def items(self):
-	return self.dict.items()
+        return self.dict.items()
     def values(self):
-	return self.dict.values()
+        return self.dict.values()
     def has_key(self, key):
-	return self.dict.has_key(key)
+        return self.dict.has_key(key)
     def SetItem(self, key, item):
-	# Add ITEM to self using KEY.
-	#      
-	# Two cases:
-	#
-	#	1. ITEM is stored in self under item.Name(): Store it under
-	#	KEY, rename ITEM and remove the old entry.
-	#
-	#	2. ITEM is not stored in self: Store it under KEY and rename
-	#	ITEM.
-	if self.dict.has_key(key):
-	    if self.dict[key] is item:
-		return NullUndo
-	    # name conflict
-	    raise ValueError, '%s already used' % key
-	oldname = item.Name()
-	if self.dict.has_key(oldname):
-	    del self.dict[oldname]
-	    undo = (self.SetItem, oldname, item)
-	else:
-	    undo = (self.DelItem, key)
-	item.SetName(key)
-	self.dict[key] = item
-	return undo
+        # Add ITEM to self using KEY.
+        #      
+        # Two cases:
+        #
+        #	1. ITEM is stored in self under item.Name(): Store it under
+        #	KEY, rename ITEM and remove the old entry.
+        #
+        #	2. ITEM is not stored in self: Store it under KEY and rename
+        #	ITEM.
+        if self.dict.has_key(key):
+            if self.dict[key] is item:
+                return NullUndo
+            # name conflict
+            raise ValueError, '%s already used' % key
+        oldname = item.Name()
+        if self.dict.has_key(oldname):
+            del self.dict[oldname]
+            undo = (self.SetItem, oldname, item)
+        else:
+            undo = (self.DelItem, key)
+        item.SetName(key)
+        self.dict[key] = item
+        return undo
     def DelItem(self, key):
-	item = self.dict[key]
-	del self.dict[key]
-	return (self.SetItem, key, item)
+        item = self.dict[key]
+        del self.dict[key]
+        return (self.SetItem, key, item)

Modified: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/warn.py
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/warn.py	2010-09-22 19:04:20 UTC (rev 725)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/Sketch/Base/warn.py	2010-09-22 19:13:59 UTC (rev 726)
@@ -30,106 +30,106 @@
 def write_error(message):
     if message and message[-1] != '\n':
-	sys.stderr.write('\n')
+        sys.stderr.write('\n')
 def flexible_format(format, args, kw):
-	if args:
-	    text = format % args
-	elif kw:
-	    text = format % kw
-	else:
-	    text = format
+        if args:
+            text = format % args
+        elif kw:
+            text = format % kw
+        else:
+            text = format
     except TypeError:
-	if args:
-	    text = string.join([format] + map(str, args))
-	elif kw:
-	    text = string.join([format] + map(str, kw.items()))
-	else:
-	    text = format
+        if args:
+            text = string.join([format] + map(str, args))
+        elif kw:
+            text = string.join([format] + map(str, kw.items()))
+        else:
+            text = format
     return text
 def warn(_level, _message, *args, **kw):
     _message = flexible_format(_message, args, kw)
     if _level == INTERNAL:
-	if config.preferences.print_internal_warnings:
-	    write_error(_message)
+        if config.preferences.print_internal_warnings:
+            write_error(_message)
-	app = main.application
+        app = main.application
         if app and config.preferences.warn_method == 'dialog':
-	    app.MessageBox(title = _("Warning"), message = _message,
-			   icon = 'warning')
-	else:
-	    write_error(_message)
+            app.MessageBox(title = _("Warning"), message = _message,
+                           icon = 'warning')
+        else:
+            write_error(_message)
     return _message
 def warn_tb(_level, _message = '', *args, **kw):
     _message = flexible_format(_message, args, kw)
     if _level == INTERNAL:
-	if config.preferences.print_internal_warnings:
-	    write_error(_message)
-	    traceback.print_exc()
+        if config.preferences.print_internal_warnings:
+            write_error(_message)
+            traceback.print_exc()
-	app = main.application
-	if app:
-	    tb = _("Print Traceback")
-	    result = app.MessageBox(title = _("Warning"), message = _message,
-				    icon = 'warning', buttons = (_("OK"), tb))
-	    if result == tb:
-		from cStringIO import StringIO
-		file = StringIO()
-		traceback.print_exc(file = file)
-		_message = file.getvalue()
-		app.MessageBox(title = _("Traceback"), message = _message,
-			       icon = 'warning')
-	else:
-	    write_error(_message)
-	    traceback.print_exc()
+        app = main.application
+        if app:
+            tb = _("Print Traceback")
+            result = app.MessageBox(title = _("Warning"), message = _message,
+                                    icon = 'warning', buttons = (_("OK"), tb))
+            if result == tb:
+                from cStringIO import StringIO
+                file = StringIO()
+                traceback.print_exc(file = file)
+                _message = file.getvalue()
+                app.MessageBox(title = _("Traceback"), message = _message,
+                               icon = 'warning')
+        else:
+            write_error(_message)
+            traceback.print_exc()
     return _message
 def Dict(**kw):
     return kw
 _levels = Dict(default = 1,
-	       __del__ = 0,
-	       Graphics = 1,
+               __del__ = 0,
+               Graphics = 1,
                properties = 0,
-	       DND = 1,
+               DND = 1,
                context_menu = 0,
-	       Load = Dict(default = 1,
-			   PSK = 1,
-			   AI = 1,
+               Load = Dict(default = 1,
+                           PSK = 1,
+                           AI = 1,
                            echo_messages = 1),
-	       PS = 1,
-	       bezier = 1,
-	       styles = 1,
-	       tkext = 0,
-	       handles = 0,
-	       timing = 0)
+               PS = 1,
+               bezier = 1,
+               styles = 1,
+               tkext = 0,
+               handles = 0,
+               timing = 0)
 def pdebug(level, message, *args, **kw):
     if not config.preferences.print_debug_messages:
     if level:
-	if type(level) == StringType:
-	    level = (level,)
-	enabled = _levels
-	for item in level:
-	    try:
-		enabled = enabled[item]
-	    except:
-		break
-	if type(enabled) == DictionaryType:
-	    enabled = enabled['default']
-	if not enabled:
-	    return
+        if type(level) == StringType:
+            level = (level,)
+        enabled = _levels
+        for item in level:
+            try:
+                enabled = enabled[item]
+            except:
+                break
+        if type(enabled) == DictionaryType:
+            enabled = enabled['default']
+        if not enabled:
+            return
     message = flexible_format(message, args, kw)

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