[Skencil-devel] Revitalising Skencil

Igor Novikov igor.e.novikov at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 13:46:21 CEST 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 16. September 2010 16:02:51 schrieb Igor Novikov:
> > > > 2.Source code is separated from other files
> > >
> > > A good goal in principle, do you have a list of specific changes
> > > you are proposing?
> >
> > 1. Skencil/, Resources/, Script/ and Plugins/ are moved into src/ folder
> > 2. Lib/ folder is eliminated and all native modules are relocated into
> > Skencil/Modules/ folder
> > 3. Pixmaps/ is moved from Skencil/ into Resources/
> > 4. Root "skencil" package is introduced
> > 5. All native extensions source code is relocated in extensions/ folder
> I am looking at it comparing to what I see in
> https://wald.intevation.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/?root=skencil
> which you are about to change, as far as I understand, right?
> So you also rename "Sketch" to "Skencil"? Would be okay.
> Overall it looks like a more intensive reorganisation.
> As you and your team are the only active committers right now,
> and if this makes you more productive: Go ahead.

OK. I will start committing today.

> > Concerning ver.1.0 I would prefer maintaining release 0.6.18 and after
> that
> > final ver.1.0 which will be
> > last in tk branch. Gtk port could be started as ver.1.1
> I think the shuffling of files and the introduction of distutils
> would warrant a 1.0 release right away. It still is a maintenance release,
> but it would reflect the state of the software much better.
> I would call a port to GTK or Qt version 2.
> The problem with any major step in development is that it will not get
> a lot of user support unless it is almost as good as the "stable" version
> and this usually means a lot of development time.

It's not a problem. But if we are going to announce 1.0 version we should
polishing UI and functionality before release but not only project
I think this will take ~1 month. So Skencil release will be possible at
the end of October.


Igor Novikov
sK1 Project
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