[Gpg4win-devel] English Translation of "gpg4win for Novices"

Brigitte gordianknits at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 05:56:18 CEST 2006

below is a draft translation of the first section of "gpg4win fuer
Einsteiger); I downloaded the original document from the repository,
hence a lot of programming notes in between the text.  

The section below still requires some editing, and I still have some
questionable items, such as how to translate the Adele Robot (robot in
english?), but at this point, I just want to see if the overall look is
acceptable (ie. am I doing this right, does it make sense). Any comments
(good or bad) are welcome.


% einsteiger.tex                
% Note, that this a HyperLaTeX source and not plain LaTeX!


% Hyperref should be among the last packages loaded

% Macros specific to this package

\T\fancyhead{} % clear all fields
\T\fancyhead[LO,RE]{Gpg4win for Novices \manualversion\

% Title stuff 
%\htmladdress{Gpg4win Project, \today}
Gpg4win for Novices}

Hier \xlink{Download als PDF Version 2.0.1 (1.5
MByte)}{http://wald.intevation.org/frs/download.php/203/gpg4win-fuer-einsteiger-2.0.1.pdf} und
\xlink{Downloadübersicht alle PDF
Zu \xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}\xml{br}
Zur \xlink{Gpg4win Homepage}{http://www.gpg4win.de/}\xml{p}
A publication of the Gpg4win project\\
  \small based on original documents by  
  \small Manfred J. Heinze, Karl Bihlmeier, Isabel Kramer
  \small Dr. Francis Wray und Ute Bahn
\T\\ \
  Edited by 
  \small Werner Koch}
\date{Version \manualversion\ vom \manualdate\ \manualinprogress}



\section*{Impressum Gpg4win}

Copyright \copyright{} 2002 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
Copyright \copyright{} 2005 g10 Code GmbH\\
Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 (or
published by the Free Software Foundation; with
the Invariant Sections being "`Impressum"', no Front-Cover Texts, and
no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section
entitled "`GNU Free Documentation License"'.

%%\htmlonly{Die aktuelle PDF Version dieses Dokuments finden sie unter


    Die Angaben auf der \textbf{folgenden Seite}
    sind nicht mehr korrekt; wir können diese Seite allerdings nicht
    abändern, da die Regeln der GFDL hier falsch angewandt wurden.
    Neue Copyright Hinweise sollten deswegen hier eingestellt werden.

%% Orginal page 4
%% This is an invariant section
This page cannot be altered.\\

Author: Manfred J. Heinze, TextLab text+media\\
Consultant: Lutz Zolondz, G-N-U GmbH\\
Illustrations: Karl Bihlmeier, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
Layout: Isabel Kramer, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
Documentation: Dr. Francis Wray, e-mediate Ltd.\\
Editing: Ute Bahn, TextLab text+media\\
First Edition, March 2002\\

Copyright \copyright{} Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie

This manual is subject to the terms outlined in the "`GNU Free
Documentation License"'.
The original licence text can be found on
German translation can be found on
as well as on enclosed CD-ROM.  We hereby grant permission to copy,
distribute and/or alter this document, subject to conditions in the GNU
Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 (or newer) published by the Free
Software Foundation. This page ("`Impressum"') cannot be altered and, in
accordance with the requirements under the GNU Free Documentation
Licence, must be included in all copies and editions.
("`unveränderlicher Abschnitt"' Any copying, distribution or alteration
of this document in no way implies a relationship with the
Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Technologie.  As with the
OpenSource cryptography program GnuPP, this text was not written for
mathematicians, secret service or cryptographs, but for everyone.



%% Orginal page  6
%% We don't use these foreword anymore because Mr. Müller is not
%% anymore minister of economic and technology.  We might want to ask
%% for a new foreword by the current head of that ministr

%% Orginal page 7
\section{About this Handbook}

The Gpg4win manual and exercise module consists of three parts:


\item \textbf{the condensed version "`Gpg4win for Novices"',} which you
are reading right now,

\item \textbf{the manual  "`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"'} in PDF-Format,
which can be found on your hard drive following the installation of

\item \textbf{the exercise ROBOT Adele,} which allows you to practice
\Email{} en- and decryption as much as you want. An internet connection
is required. 

\textbf{"`Gpg4win for Novices"'} provides you with a quick guide to the
installation and everyday use of the Gpg4win software. The time required
to work thru this manual is generally about half an hour, but will
depend on your knowledge of computers and Windows. 

\textbf{"`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"'} provides more in-depth
information on the basic principles/mechanisms behind Gpg4win, as well
as its less commonly used capabilities.

Both manuals are available in PDF format. This will allow you to print
your own manual if you did not receive a printed copy. 

Each manual can be used independently. However, we suggest that you
familiarize yourself with both manuals (read in order) to get a better
understanding of the software.

\OtherBook{} This symbol references a link to the other manual.

\textbf{The practice/exercise robot Adele} is available on the Internet.
Adele receives, sends and decrypts encrypted \Email{}s. It is a useful
tool to practice a complete encryption process/dialogue which allows the
user to become comfortable with the software.

Adele was developed as part of the older GnuPP project, where it is
still used.  "`Gpg4win for Novices"' also uses this very reliable
practice robot and would like to express its gratitude to the owners of
gnupp.de for the BETRIEB of Adele. (not sure if this is relevant, we
already know that adele is part of this software)

%% Orginal page 8
\section{What is Gpg4win?}


%% Orginal page 9
\section{Installing Gpg4win}

If you already have a GnuPG based application such as BnuPP, GnuPT,
WinPT or GnuPG Basics installed on your system, we recommend reading the
Appendix \ref{ch:migration} regarding the transfer/adoption of existing
(vorhandenen) keys. 

Installing Gpg4win from a CD-ROM:

Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your computer and log in as
Administrator. Open your 'Workspace??' (Arbeitsplatz) and click on the
CD-ROM icon titled 'Gpg4win'. Once the CD-ROM icon opens, click on the
installation icon titled 'Gpg4win'.

Installing Gpg4win from the Internet

If you downloaded Gpg4win from the Internet, click on the new file which
should be named \texttt{gpg4win-\PackageVersion{}.exe} (or a newer
version).  Please ensure that you have downloaded the file from a
trustworthy site.

The following installation steps apply in all situations:

You will be asked if you want to install the program, click on

The following screen will appear:

% screenshot:  Welcome Seite Installer

If you have other programs running on your computer, close them now and
and click on \Button{Next?}.

%% Orginal page 10

On the page containing the licencing agreement you will find information
regarding the licencing of this software.

If your sole intention is to install and use the software, you are not
obliged to read this text/information. 

However, if you plan to distribute and/or alter the software, you must
familiarize yourself with the conditions contained in the licencing

% Screenshot Lizenzseite des Installers

Click on \Button{Next?}.

%% New page (not in original document)

On the components page you can select the program(s) for installation.

To assist you with your selection, a short description dialogue appears
when you roll your mouse over the selected item.

Die Anzeige des benötigen Speichers auf der Festplatte
hilft Ihnen vielleicht ebenfalls weiter. (CHECK)

% sreenshot Auswahl zu installierender Komponenten

The recommended minimum installation consists of GnuPG, GPA, WinPT and
the handbooks. The remaining programs can be installed later as

Click on \Button{Weiter}.


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